Local Organizations

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Boy Scouts of America

The Boy Scouts of America is an organization devoted to developing leadership, responsibility, and outdoors skills in young boys ages 11 to 18. East Hanover's Boy Scout Troop 20 normally meets on Tuesdays when school is in session from 7:30 to 9:00 in the Central School gymnasium. The troop ventures out each month on a trip, such as the annual canoe/rafting trip and the annual ice fishing trip. Other trips include backpacking, museum trips, wall climbing, and jamborees. Both fathers and sons are encouraged to get involved in these activities. For more information, please attend one of the Tuesday meetings.

East Hanover Historical Society

The East Hanover Historical Society is responsible for the maintenence and preservation of the Cook Halfway House, built in 1762 by Ellis Cook, and the surrounding gardens named Maria. Meetings of the society are on the last Tuesday of each month, except during the summer.

East Hanover Garden Club

The East Hanover Garden Club is involved in a number of community service projects including plant sales at schools, and is involved with the restoration of a cooking house. Other activities include a tree sale fundraiser every December. Meetings are held once a week on Thursdays.

Chamber of Commerce

This is an association of business people who want to elevate business and expand the economy in our area. They work to bring new industries into our community and try to make them successful and profitable. They also give information to those who are interesting in moving into our community.

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